Germs, bacteria, and viruses are present all around us, but we usually only feel concerned when there’s a new threat that’s visibly affecting our lives. How many of us were conscious enough to sanitize our hands after touching a doorknob or any other surfaces before the pandemic? Most of us probably weren’t! But after facing the pandemic for a year, many of us have changed our approaches to safety and hygiene.
Life is filled with germs. You are in constant contact with germ-covered surfaces, and yet you probably don’t even pay attention to them. For example - how often do you come into contact with a toilet seat? And, would you be surprised to learn that this is one of the less dirty things out there because of how often we clean them?
Are you under the impression that cleaning your home, floor, and bathroom makes your surroundings 99% germs-free? You may have been misled. Some of the dirtiest items always remain dirty because we often forget to clean them. Sometimes, it’s just because we don’t realize how filthy they are.
Our doorknob is one of the dirtiest things inside our home. It’s used multiple times a day, every day. Whether it’s a doorknob inside or outside your home, always use preventive safety equipment to avoid direct contact.
Here is a list of the top 10 dirtiest things around us that we usually ignore:
Taking sanitary measures is a must these days. When it comes to electronic gadgets, you can’t use liquid cleaners. Instead, make use of disinfectant wipes to clean gadgets that you always keep with you. As you clean your body, make it a habit to clean the surface and gadgets you come in contact with.
Mold, yeast, and bacteria grow on dishwashing sponges and towels. It’s time to rethink how to keep dishcloths and sponges neat and clean. Continuous contact with food residues, oil, and moist surfaces makes the cloth and sponge accumulate germs over time. Moreover, keeping kitchen utensils wet overnight leads to germ propagation.
Soaking kitchen sponges or cloths in bleach is a good way to sanitize them. You can also use lemon solution to clean kitchen towels. Restaurants and hotels prefer paper towels over cloth and sponge as they remain dry and are easy to clean.
If your sink smells bad, chances are it’s got a lot of bacteria and other germs producing those smells. Usually when this happens, you pour some cleaner in and rinse it out. Sewage-smelling kitchen sinks are a depot of killing germs. However, fragrant cleaners never kill germs or deadly bacteria. You may find the sink clean, but germs may still be present in and around it. They will eventually spread, even if you keep pushing them back with cleaner.
You can get rid of these germs by sprinkling baking soda, pouring vinegar, and scrubbing the sink with lemon.
We brush our teeth, rinse our toothbrushes, and keep them damp all night inside the restrooms - and these damp surfaces are where germs and bacteria breed. Even the germs from your mouth can breed in the bristles of your toothbrush. And when you flush your toilet next to the sink where your toothbrush is resting, the flush aerosolizes the bacteria in the toilet, giving them the opportunity to colonize your toothbrush as well.
Never keep your toothbrush inside the bathroom - keep it somewhere less damp, where it can dry off quickly. If you are brushing inside a bathroom, close your toilet seat before flushing.
Do you dry off your plates and use them twice or thrice without rinsing? Of course not - we wash our plates after each use. Our pet’s food bowls however, rarely get such thorough treatment. Giving our pets food in an unwashed bowl is not only unhealthy but unhygienic as well. The bacteria living in the residues in the bowl can reproduce over time and spread through the house - or transfer directly from Fido’s mouth to your face when he licks you.
So, always make it a habit to wash pet bowls with soap or dishwasher to avoid breeding harmful bacteria that make your surroundings and pet, free of deadly infections.
You sneeze on it, then keep it on the sofa and sometimes on the kitchen table. A TV remote is a germ collector. Everyone uses it, including the kids, and yet we rarely wipe them down. Most of us eat food while watching TV. We press the remote button and then eat food with the same hand. Have you ever thought about how unhygienic that could be?
When you travel out or stay in a hotel, never use a TV remote without first cleaning it with a disinfectant wipe. You never know how many people could have used it, and if they were sick or otherwise unsanitary. A germ-filled TV remote can easily make you sick. Always keep disinfectant wipes or sanitizers on hand to clean gadgets and remotes.
Whether you are in the office or at home, keyboards are one of the filthiest things we use daily. Since the pandemic, work from home culture has forced us to continuously sit in front of our screens. Now, we eat, drink, and sleep with our computer beside us.
Food residues and dirt get stuck inside the keyboard easily, and then germs start growing and breeding.Studies have found that our keyboards contain more germs than our toilet seats.
If you want to keep your keyboard clean, shake all the dust particles and food crumbs out of the keyboard and then use alcohol or bleach wipes to clean the keys.
Most of us use the same cutting board for meat, vegetables, and fruits, resulting in cross-contamination. And often, we just rinse it with water and set it aside. Cross-contamination lets harmful bacteria spread all over your kitchen, resulting in food poisoning.
Every time, wash the cutting board using hot water and soap to keep it clean and neat. Additionally, always use a separate board for vegetables and meat.
Have you ever thought about how dirty the money you get from groceries, banks, and other sources is? Hundreds and thousands of people have used it before it reached you. Some have even licked their fingers before counting the money.
You don’t know the hygiene habits of the people who used your cash before you. You can’t effectively clean money with disinfectants or cleaners, so instead you should sanitize your hands after handling it.
You carry your handbag and wallet everywhere. You take it to the supermarket counter and into public restrooms. At the end of the day, you carry it home and keep it on your dining table, chair, bed, or kitchen cabinet without thinking about safety and hygiene.
It may not be possible for you to wash it often but you can clean your purse using a disinfectant wipe. To be even more hygienic, try to keep your bag on a hook instead of leaving it on the bed and table.
Harmful germs, viruses, and bacteria like to hide in often-neglected places. Finding and cleaning these areas is necessary to truly ensure our hygiene. Thankfully there are preventative equipment and tips you can use to keep your surroundings and body safe from infection. Adopting a hygienic lifestyle will help you adapt to the pandemic chaos. So, make cleanliness and hygiene a habit and not a choice.
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